航班 CSN471 (5A)


smartCARS version, 2024/2/5 UTC
[23:56:32] Preflight started, flying offline
[23:56:32] Flying PMDG 747-8 China Southern One World Edition
[23:59:10] Fuel quantity increased to 103984 kg from 18303 kg
[00:02:04] Fuel quantity increased to 120012 kg from 103977 kg
[00:13:47] Pushing back with 119983 kg of fuel
[00:17:30] Engine 4 is on
[00:18:35] Engine 1 is on
[00:20:11] Engine 2 is on
[00:21:13] Engine 3 is on
[00:22:55] Flaps set to position 1
[00:22:58] Flaps set to position 2
[00:23:09] Flaps set to position 3
[00:23:27] Taxiing to runway
[00:27:26] Taking off
[00:28:05] Climbing, pitch: 12, roll: 1 degrees left, 184 kts
[00:28:10] Gear lever raised at 30 m at 197 kts
[00:29:43] Flaps set to position 2 at 776 m at 236 kts
[00:29:46] Flaps set to position 1 at 787 m at 238 kts
[00:34:56] Flaps set to position 0 at 3112 m at 272 kts
[03:40:14] Cruising at 11581m, pitch: 5, 618 kts
[08:50:41] Descending
[08:55:26] Sim paused
[12:55:16] Sim unpaused
[13:10:16] Flaps set to position 1 at 2488 m at 220 kts
[13:10:59] Flaps set to position 2 at 2225 m at 210 kts
[13:11:03] Flaps set to position 3 at 2201 m at 209 kts
[13:13:02] Approaching
[13:16:29] Flaps set to position 4 at 520 m at 183 kts
[13:17:50] Gear lever lowered at 487 m at 162 kts
[13:20:35] Final approach, 157 kts
[13:22:12] Flaps set to position 5 at 443 m at 162 kts
[13:22:18] Flaps set to position 6 at 416 m at 161 kts
[13:24:03] Touched down at -62 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 3, roll: 3 degrees right, 141 kts
[13:24:27] Landed in 1146 m, fuel: 24359 kg, weight: 296131 kg
[13:24:27] Taxiing to gate
[13:24:36] The flight may now be ended
[13:24:36] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds
[13:24:36] Arrived, flight duration: 08:56


(97403 配载 / ¥ 4, 333.00 每单位
¥ 422, 047, 199.00
(94871.7 消耗油量 @ 5.5 / unit)
¥ 521, 794.35


